Outreach Ministries

Sharing His Word

Proclaiming Christ as Life

Capernwray Harbour outreaches are an exciting opportunity for students to learn that Jesus Christ is actively concerned for His world, and is able to effectively use every single person who simply depends upon His power to forgive, heal and restore broken lives. When the Body of Christ functions normally, it’s only natural that we reach out to others and share with them the abundant Life which Christ has shared with us.

There are several different contexts in which the students can graduate from our own little community of Capernwray Harbour to learn to love and serve those outside in the wider world.

Some of the outreach programmes are right on Thetis Island, others happen on Vancouver Island

Outreach Program Hightlights

  • Children & Teen Ministries

    Elementary Schools: we have 2 teams of students who visit 2 different Elementary Schools on Thetis Island, Penelakut Island (a First Nations Reserve). Opportunities include classroom assistance and after-school supervision of children.

    Chemainus Neighbourhood House: this is a youth drop-in centre located on Vancouver Island. Our students give support to the volunteer staff there, and simply hang out with local teens who come on Friday or Saturday nights.

    Local churches: Students can also join with local churches as they provide programs for children and youth.

  • Seniors Ministries

    Complex Care Unit in Chemainus, Vancouver Island – students visit seniors on a weekly basis for conversation and other social activities.

    Community Help on Thetis Island – students spend one afternoon a week helping local residents (mostly seniors) with yardwork that they could not otherwise do themselves. This is a great way to serve others in the love of Christ!

  • Street Ministry

    Our students are involved in two aspects of street ministry based out of the Mustard Seed Street Church in Victoria. One part involves walking the streets and talking with various people along the way. The other part involves working with the staff at the Mustard Seed to host those who step inside their doors.

  • Clubs

    On-site students also have the opportunity to join the Media or Yearbook Clubs to serve the student and staff body throughout the year.

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