Conferences & Retreats

Ladies Spring Bruncheon

June 2, 2025

A Delightful Day’s Outing for an Individual or Friends Coming Together

Spend a day with us at Capernwray Harbour on Monday, June 2, 2025 & enjoy the unique sights, sounds and beauty of our Thetis Island home.

Enjoy a gourmet brunch & soak in the truths found in God’s Word, which Lisa Dusing will share with us from 1 John.


Lisa Dusing

Lisa and her husband Andrew have spent over 15 years serving with Torchbearers International: first in Canada, at Capernwray Quebec Bible Centre for nearly 12 years, and currently at Timberline Lodge in Colorado.  It was in their early years on staff at CQBC that Lisa came to truly understand what it means to live the Christian life through the power of the indwelling life of Christ, and counts it a great blessing to continue on in a ministry that so deeply impacted her life.

Wherever she is, Lisa has a heart for intentional hospitality, walking with women in discipleship, and a desire to pour into the lives of young adults as they build the foundations of their lives on God’s word.  

Lisa and Andrew have three boys – Isaiah, Ezra, and Judah.  If she’s not baking for her growing boys or having someone over for tea, you can find Lisa outside with her family hiking, mountain biking, and snowboarding in the Colorado mountains.


1 John

Walking as Jesus Walked

Through Scripture, followers of Christ are often called to a simple activity we do each day – walking!  1 John 2:6 tells us we are to walk in the same in which Jesus walked. What does this mean? Is it actually possible to do?  Join us as we unpack this message from 1 John and discover the joy of walking as Christ walked.


Monday, June 2, 2025

  • Begin your day with…

    boarding the 10 am ferry from the town of Chemainus on Vancouver Island to Thetis Island.

  • Enjoy your day with…

    a gourmet brunch in our Main Hall Dining Lounge followed by praise in song and a teaching session with Lisa Dusing in our Lecture Hall Classroom.

  • End your day with…

    boarding the 3:10 pm or 5:10 pm ferry from Thetis Island back to Chemainus.


$79 + GST (CAD) per person

A non-refundable, non-transferable payment of $79 + GST (CAD) must be made to confirm each registration. Visa, Mastercard, and American Express are accepted.


Register Online

Registrations open online at 8:30 am PT on Wednesday, Feb 5, 2025. Space is limited.

Registrations will be acknowledged as received when submitted online and confirmed as accepted once space in the Bruncheon is secured and the registration is completely processed.

  • I was thrilled at the incredible decorating and colour schemes.  I loved the way everything matched right down to the desserts (citrus cookies) to the lemons placed in the flower vases to that huge balloon display. You did it up so special for all of us ladies.  The chef did such a wonderful job on the luncheon menu. Such a perfect combination of meat, salads, veggies and desserts.



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