Jesus Christ is the Head of His Body
Each year the students and staff at Capernwray Harbour learn what it means to surrender to His Lordship and experience the unity which only He can give. Most of our students are 18 to 19, but some are in their seventies! Coming from all across the Americas, Europe, Asia and Australia and having differing denominational backgrounds and life experiences, these differences are opportunities to celebrate the degree of God’s creativity as we live and learn together in community.
Workday is one of the platforms for hands-on learning and practical application of community living in the Bible School.
Principles and standards relating to stewardship, leadership, communication, work ethics and many more interpersonal skills are realized in this way. God has placed us to serve one another in direct response to what He has done and is doing in our hearts. This is where we put our spiritual learning into action.
During Workday, students receive instruction and supervision from staff as they learn valuable new skills and personal disciplines. Workday occurs every Wednesday from 8:45 am to 4:30 pm and involves a full day of labour on campus. Areas of work include lawns and gardens, woodshop, farm, kitchen, housekeeping, outdoor facilities maintenance and office tasks. Groups rotate every four weeks to give students the opportunity to be involved in a variety of areas over the course of the year. Workdays are a healthy and refreshing change of pace from classroom coursework and place individuals together who might not otherwise have the privilege of getting acquainted.

Daily Duties
Each student contributes to community life by performing a daily chore that takes about 45 minutes to complete. Daily duties include anything from setting tables for meals, to doing dishes after meals, to cleaning the common lounge areas and bathrooms. In this way, each student learns that their individual actions affect the whole body. Daily duties are one of the most significant ways that students learn to practice the principles of servanthood that they’ve discovered in the classroom.

Sunday Evenings
Each Sunday, we begin the week together with a formal celebration of God’s goodness to us. Students dress in semi-formal attire and attend a beautiful dinner prepared by our cooks. Afterward, students and staff join in the Lecture Hall for a formal meeting that focuses on the character of God through reading Scripture, singing, and sharing. Each year, the students find that Sunday evenings are a highlight of the Bible School since they have the opportunity to publicly share what the Lord Jesus has been teaching them personally through His Word. It’s a chance to come before the Lord Jesus as His Body and worship Him together.

Intramural Sports
Much of what students discover in Bible study in a classroom setting is reinforced in the context of relationships outside the classroom. Recreation is one great way to build community. Intramural sports and other recreational events occur regularly throughout the Bible School year. It’s good, clean, wholesome fun! Sports include floor hockey, volleyball (indoor and sand), basketball, soccer and more.

Outreach Ministries
Capernwray Harbour outreaches are an exciting opportunity for students to learn that Jesus Christ is actively concerned for His world and can effectively use every single person who simply depends upon His power to forgive, heal and restore broken lives. When the Body of Christ functions normally, it’s only natural that we reach out to others and share with them the abundant Life which Christ has shared with us.
Outreach Ministry opportunities
Children and Teen Ministries
Elementary Schools: We have two teams of students who visit two different Elementary Schools on Thetis Island and Penelakut Island (a First Nations Reserve). Opportunities may include classroom assistance and after-school supervision of children.
Local churches: Students can also join local churches as they provide programmes for children and youth.
Sports: Sports are a great way to build relationships in the local communities. Students can invest in young people through sports, especially soccer, playing against school teams throughout the year.
Seniors Ministries
Healthcare Centre & Steeples Assisted Living: Students visit seniors in Chemainus on Vancouver Island weekly for conversation and other social activities.
Community Help: Students spend one afternoon a week helping Thetis Island residents (mostly seniors) with yardwork that they could not otherwise do themselves. This is a great way to serve others in the love of Christ!
On-site, students also have the opportunity to join the Media or Yearbook Clubs to serve the student and staff body throughout the year.